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Atoll Harvest (PC-009)
Atoll Harvest program is dedicated to ensuring food security through a holistic approach by enabling permaculture, agroforestry, mariculture and aquaculture as well as supporting locally-led innovative and climate-smart food production within Noonu Atoll. The aim of the program is to establish a robust mechanism for sustainable food production through community empowerment, land allocation and resource management, and nurturing sustainable livelihoods by facilitating finances and establishing market links, contributing to the long-term resilience and well-being of Noonu Atoll community. Key activities include developing necessary infrastructure such as cold storage and nurseries and linking it to the Atoll Loop transportation network, providing opportunities for capacity building and training, rolling out pilot projects, exploring the cooperative governance model for fostering community-led cooperatives with collective ownership, and ensuring food safety and sustainable practices through rigorous monitoring and quality assurance.

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