Pest Control Service
The pest control service component of the Atoll Loop project will focus on identifying and addressing pest infestations that pose a threat to public health and the environment. A thorough assessment will be conducted to identify prevalent pest species in Noonu Atoll and evaluate the associated risks. The service will offer pest control solutions for residential, commercial, and public spaces, targeting both public health concerns and environmental threats. To effectively manage pest infestations, the project will utilize a variety of treatment methods, including integrated pest management (IPM) techniques and a combination of control measures. Strict safety protocols will be implemented to protect technicians, residents, and the environment from exposure to harmful chemicals, and all activities will be conducted in compliance with relevant regulations. By providing comprehensive pest control services, the Atoll Loop project aims to safeguard public health, protect the environment, and create a healthier and more comfortable living environment for residents and visitors in Noonu Atoll.
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