Creating Atoll Marketplace and Community-Driven Harbor Exchanges
Harbor exchange plan envisions a transformative development in Noonu Atoll. The centerpiece of this initiative is the establishment of a ferry terminals, providing a reliable and efficient public transportation service for residents and visitors alike. To complement this, a vibrant local market will be created at the terminal, offering a platform for local entrepreneurs to showcase and sell their products. This market will serve as a hub for economic activity, fostering trade, and promoting local craftsmanship. Expanding beyond the immediate vicinity, the plan includes the creation of atoll-level markets in Manadhoo and Maafaru. These markets will serve as strategic nodes for the exchange of goods and services, connecting the islands of Noonu Atoll and fostering a sense of community. To ensure seamless connectivity throughout the atoll, additional island terminal markets will be integrated into this network, acting as vital delivery points for goods and products. This interconnected system will not only enhance economic opportunities but also strengthen the social fabric of the atoll by facilitating trade, promoting local businesses, and improving accessibility between islands.
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