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Establishing and Enhancing Municipal Services in island councils
Noonu Atoll Council is dedicated to strengthening municipal services across all island councils within the atoll. This initiative will begin with a comprehensive needs assessment, identifying specific requirements and challenges faced by each island.  Following this assessment, council will ensure a robust legal and regulatory framework is in place to support the delivery of effective services.  Investing in human resources and digitalisations is the key, and council will implement capacity-building programs to empower island council staff. Upgrading infrastructure and equipment will be crucial for efficient service delivery.  To ensure long-term viability, the council will explore strategies for financial sustainability, potentially involving user fees, cost-sharing mechanisms, or grant opportunities.  Finally, recognizing the ever-evolving needs of island communities, the council is committed to continuous improvement and the pursuit of sustainable service delivery practices.  This comprehensive approach aims to create a more equitable and efficient municipal service system for all residents across the Noonu Atoll.

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