Noonu Naturally > Roadmaps > projects > Noonu Wellness (PC-004)

Needs Assessment

Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the drug addiction situation in Noonu Atoll to identify specific needs, challenges, and opportunities for the rehabilitation program.





Data Collection

Gather quantitative and qualitative data on drug use patterns, prevalence rates, demographics, and related social issues to establish a baseline understanding of the problem. Collect data on drug types, age groups affected, and geographic distribution of drug use. Analyze existing data from law enforcement, healthcare providers, and social service agencies. Conduct surveys and questionnaires among the target population to gather information on drug use behaviors, attitudes, and experiences.

Stakeholder Interviews

Conduct in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, including current and former drug users, their families, community leaders, healthcare providers, law enforcement officials, and government representatives to gain diverse perspectives and insights. Identify key informants and conduct individual or focus group interviews. Explore the social, economic, and cultural factors contributing to drug use. Understand the perceived needs and priorities of different stakeholder groups.


Gap Analysis

Identify existing drug prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation services in Noonu Atoll, assess their effectiveness, and identify gaps in service delivery. Analyze the availability of resources, infrastructure, and human capital to support program implementation.
Conduct a mapping of existing services and their accessibility. Evaluate the quality and adequacy of current services. Identify unmet needs and service gaps in drug treatment and rehabilitation. Assess the capacity of the local community to support program implementation.

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Needs Assessment
Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the drug addiction situation in Noonu Atoll to identify specific needs, challenges, and opportunities for the rehabilitation program.
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