Noonu Naturally > Roadmaps > projects > Atoll Harvest (PC-009)

Community Engagement and Needs Assessment

Atoll Harvest program is dedicated to ensuring food security and enabling sustainable livelihoods within Noonu Atoll. As a first step, community engagement and needs assessment is crucial as it sets the foundation for all subsequent activities by providing essential data and insights that will guide the programs direction and successful implementation. The primary objective is to cater the community needs and aspirations striving for food self-sufficiency and sustainable livelihoods. This participatory approach is aimed to foster a sense of ownership and collaboration among community members, strengthening social cohesion and enhancing the climate resiliency of Noonu Atoll community.





Community Engagement Plan

The community engagement plan is essential to ensure meaningful engagement of the Noonu Atoll community in the decision-making processes to enable collective ownership which is a core part of the Atoll Harvest program. Key activities of the community engagement plan will include initial outreach and awareness plan to share the program concept, identifying methodologies of engagement such as focus group discussions to understand the existing needs, priorities and aspirations of the community in reference to the unfolding multiple crises of the world so that the program enables building community resilience. A long-term plan for the programs sustainability ensuring that there are plans in place for leadership transitions to maintain continuity of the project is also a key component. 

Community Engagement & Feedback

Involves hosting focus group discussions, community workshops and familiarisation sessions for effective utilisation of the online public engagement platform. These sessions are essential for ensuring that the data collected is comprehensive and reflective of the community’s needs and aspirations. From its inception, the program team will facilitate community members to share their experiences, concerns, and suggestions through a combination of in-person and virtual formats, allowing community members who are unable to attend in person, to engage remotely. The hosted sessions will be promoted through various channels, including social media and local radio stations, to ensure broad outreach. The program team will ensure an ongoing reporting and feedback mechanism to enable community members to meaningfully engage throughout the decision-making process. The aim is to enable collective ownership and adapt to the changing needs which is vital for community resilience and sustainability.  

Needs Analysis & Reporting

Involves analyzing the data collected through community feedback and creating actionable reports. The analysis will focus on understanding the current state of food production, land use, aquaculture, mariculture, livestock operations, and agricultural practices within Noonu Atoll, as well as identifying areas for improvement, potential interventions and opportunities. The findings from the data analysis will be summarized in comprehensive actionable reports with visualizations such as infographics. These reports will be shared with the community and other stakeholders through various channels, including physical sessions and the online public engagement platform. By providing a transparent account of the findings with an ongoing feedback mechanism, the program team will ensure that all stakeholders are informed and meaningfully engaged throughout the process.

Polls & Discussions

Community Engagement and Needs Assessment
Atoll Harvest program is dedicated to ensuring food security and enabling sustainable livelihoods within Noonu Atoll. As a first step, community engagement and needs assessment is crucial as it sets the foundation for all subsequent activities by providing essential data and insights that will guide the programs direction and successful implementation. The primary objective is to cater the community needs and aspirations striving for food self-sufficiency and sustainable livelihoods. This participatory approach is aimed to foster a sense of ownership and collaboration among community members, strengthening social cohesion and enhancing the climate resiliency of Noonu Atoll community.
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