Noonu Naturally > Roadmaps > projects > Citizen Centric Governance (PC-002)

Optimizing Engagements with a Meeting Management System

Improve the efficiency and transparency of meetings by implementing a meeting management system. This system will help schedule, manage, and document meetings, enabling remote participation and live streaming. By providing public access to meeting minutes and decisions, councils can increase transparency and accountability. Additionally, integrating online engagement tools will facilitate citizen participation, ensuring that decisions are made in a participatory and inclusive manner.




Implement a meeting management system to schedule, manage, and document council meetings

Choose a suitable meeting management software that meets the council's specific needs. Configure the system to manage meeting agendas, invitations, and attendance tracking. Integrate the system with other council systems, such as the public engagement platform and communication channels.

Enable remote participation and live streaming of meetings

Configure the meeting management system to support remote participation via video conferencing. Set up live streaming of meetings to allow citizens who cannot attend in person to follow proceedings. Ensure that remote participants have equal access to information and opportunities to contribute.

Provide access to meeting minutes and decisions for the public

Publish meeting minutes and decisions on the council's website or public engagement platform. Ensure that the information is easily accessible and understandable to citizens. Consider providing summaries or translations for non-native speakers.

Facilitate citizen participation in meetings through online engagement tools

Integrate online engagement tools into the meeting management system. Allow citizens to submit questions, comments, and suggestions in real time during meetings. Ensure that citizen input is considered and addressed during the decision-making process.

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Optimizing Engagements with a Meeting Management System
Improve the efficiency and transparency of meetings by implementing a meeting management system. This system will help schedule, manage, and document meetings, enabling remote participation and live streaming. By providing public access to meeting minutes and decisions, councils can increase transparency and accountability. Additionally, integrating online engagement tools will facilitate citizen participation, ensuring that decisions are made in a participatory and inclusive manner.
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