Noonu Naturally > Roadmaps > plans > Resilient Communities (LDP-5)

Developing an Inclusion Framework for Local Development, and Services Planning

To ensure everyone in our community has access to council planning, development initiatives, and essential services, a comprehensive Inclusion Framework is being developed. This framework will be built through a multi-step process. First, a steering committee will be established, followed by a needs assessment to identify areas for improvement. Research and learning from best practices in inclusion will also be conducted. Open discussions with people with special needs will be central to understanding their specific requirements. Once a draft framework is prepared, it will be presented for public consultation and feedback. Following adoption and dissemination, the framework will be piloted and monitored to ensure its effectiveness. To empower council members and the community, capacity building and training programs will be offered. Partnerships with relevant organizations will also be established to foster collaboration. Through continuous monitoring, evaluation, and adaptation, this framework will ensure the government serves all residents inclusively.




Leading Team

Social Services Team

5. Gender Equality

2.2 Social Cohesion



Formation and Planning

Form a diverse steering committee representing various stakeholders, including people with disabilities, community organizations, and government officials. Conduct a needs assessment to identify areas where current policies and practices may be discriminatory or exclusionary. Research and learn from best practices in inclusion implemented in other countries or regions.

Consultation and Feedback

Organize focus groups and consultations with people with special needs to understand their specific requirements and challenges. Prepare a draft inclusion framework based on the needs assessment and consultations. Share the draft framework with the wider community and solicit feedback through public meetings, online surveys, and other channels.

Adoption and Implementation

Gain approval for the final version of the Inclusion Framework from relevant decision-making bodies. Disseminate the framework to all relevant government departments, community organizations, and individuals. Pilot the framework in selected areas or initiatives to assess its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Capacity Building and Empowerment

Develop training programs for council members, staff, and community members to raise awareness about inclusion and promote inclusive practices. Empower community members to participate in decision-making processes and advocate for their rights.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Establish systems to track progress in achieving inclusion goals and identify areas for improvement. Conduct regular evaluations to assess the effectiveness of the Inclusion Framework and make necessary adjustments. Continuously adapt the framework to address evolving needs and challenges.

Collaboration and Partnerships

Collaborate with relevant organizations, such as NGOs, international development agencies, and other government departments, to strengthen inclusion efforts. Leverage resources and expertise from partner organizations to support the implementation of the Inclusion Framework.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

Regularly review and update the framework based on monitoring data, feedback, and evolving needs of the community. Remain adaptable to changing circumstances and incorporate new approaches and technologies to ensure continuous progress towards inclusive local governance.

Polls & Discussions

Developing an Inclusion Framework for Local Development, and Services Planning
To ensure everyone in our community has access to council planning, development initiatives, and essential services, a comprehensive Inclusion Framework is being developed. This framework will be built through a multi-step process. First, a steering committee will be established, followed by a needs assessment to identify areas for improvement. Research and learning from best practices in inclusion will also be conducted. Open discussions with people with special needs will be central to understanding their specific requirements. Once a draft framework is prepared, it will be presented for public consultation and feedback. Following adoption and dissemination, the framework will be piloted and monitored to ensure its effectiveness. To empower council members and the community, capacity building and training programs will be offered. Partnerships with relevant organizations will also be established to foster collaboration. Through continuous monitoring, evaluation, and adaptation, this framework will ensure the government serves all residents inclusively.
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