Noonu Naturally > Roadmaps > plans > Enhancing Local Governance (LDP-1)

Reviewing and Adjusting Compensation Structure

Noonu Atoll Council recognizes the valuable contributions of local council employees. To appreciate their hard work and dedication, council is implementing a special service allowance program. This initiative will begin with a thorough assessment to determine the program's necessity and feasibility. Following this assessment, council will develop a clear allowance structure with defined eligibility criteria. To ensure transparency and compliance with regulations, council will formulate a comprehensive policy that addresses any legal considerations. Finally, it will effectively communicate this program to the staff and ensure its smooth implementation.




Leading Team

Finance Team

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

1.2 Human Resources Development



Reviewing and Adjusting Compensation Structure

To ensure fair and competitive compensation for council employees, it is necessary to evaluate existing salaries and benefits in comparison to other public and private sector jobs in the Maldives. By identifying demanding or challenging roles that require extra effort or specialized skills, the council can assess the need for special service allowances. To ensure financial feasibility, the budgetary implications of introducing such allowances must be carefully considered, taking into account current financial resources and potential future impacts on the council's finances.

Establishing Allowance Types and Eligibility Criteria

To ensure fair and equitable compensation, different types of allowances should be considered based on specific roles, such as hardship allowances for remote postings, risk allowances for hazardous work, or specialized skill allowances for technical roles. Clear and objective criteria should be defined for each allowance to ensure transparency and fairness in determining eligibility. The amount of each allowance should be determined based on factors like job difficulty, risk level, required expertise, and market comparison for similar roles.

Developing and Implementing a Special Service Allowance Policy

To establish a clear framework for special service allowances, a comprehensive policy document must be drafted outlining the rationale, eligibility criteria, calculation methods, and payment procedures. Consulting with council employees, the Ministry of Finance, and legal counsel will ensure the policy is comprehensive, legal, and addresses potential concerns. Once finalized, the policy must be approved by the atoll council and relevant government authorities to enable its implementation.

Implementing and Monitoring the Special Service Allowance Program

To ensure successful implementation of the special service allowance program, training must be provided to relevant staff on the policy application process. Clear administrative procedures for applying, calculating, and processing payments should be established. Regular monitoring and assessment of the program's impact on employee morale, performance, and recruitment and retention are essential to evaluate its effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.

Points of Discussion

33.2 Budget and Policy to Ensure Compliance with Overtime Pay Requirements

Polls & Discussions

Reviewing and Adjusting Compensation Structure
Noonu Atoll Council recognizes the valuable contributions of local council employees. To appreciate their hard work and dedication, council is implementing a special service allowance program. This initiative will begin with a thorough assessment to determine the program's necessity and feasibility. Following this assessment, council will develop a clear allowance structure with defined eligibility criteria. To ensure transparency and compliance with regulations, council will formulate a comprehensive policy that addresses any legal considerations. Finally, it will effectively communicate this program to the staff and ensure its smooth implementation.
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