Noonu Natrally > Roadmaps > plans > Natural Resources Conservation (LDP-3)

Deploy and rollout implementation of new resource and land use framework

Excited to announce the deployment of a new resource and land-use framework designed to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for islands. To ensure a smooth transition, begin by laying the groundwork through capacity building and communication initiatives. Implement the framework in a phased approach, allowing for adjustments and feedback throughout the process. Community ownership and empowerment are central to this strategy. Actively engage residents in decision-making processes and provide them with the resources they need to become active participants in sustainable development. Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation system to track the framework's effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. By fostering continuous adaptation, aim to build long-term resilience and ensure land and resources continue to serve island communities for generations to come.




Leading Team

Sustainability Team

Sustainability Team

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

1.7 Natural Resources Distribution


Laying the Groundwork

Clearly communicate the new framework to all stakeholders – island communities, government agencies, resource users, and NGOs. Organize workshops, town halls, and community meetings to answer questions, address concerns, and foster collaboration. Equip Atoll Council members, government officials, and communities with the knowledge and skills needed to implement the framework. Conduct training sessions on sustainable resource management practices, participatory monitoring techniques, and land use planning tools. Identify funding opportunities to support framework implementation. This could involve seeking government grants, engaging with environmental organizations, or exploring community-based financing initiatives.

Phased Rollout

Identify quick-win projects that demonstrate the framework's benefits and build momentum. Focus on initiatives that address urgent needs, involve minimal risks, and deliver tangible results for communities. Implement the framework in phases, starting with pilot projects in specific areas. This allows for learning, adjustments, and course correction before scaling up. Based on pilot successes, gradually expand the framework's implementation to encompass the entire atoll. Ensure ongoing communication and support throughout the process.

Community Ownership and Empowerment

Involve island communities in decision-making processes related to resource management and land use planning. This fosters a sense of ownership and ensures the framework reflects their needs and priorities. Train community members in data collection and participatory monitoring techniques. This allows them to track the framework's impacts, identify challenges, and contribute to adaptive management. Empower communities to play a role in managing local resources. This could involve establishing community-based resource management committees or co-management partnerships with government agencies.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptation

Establish a robust monitoring system to track progress, measure impacts, and assess the effectiveness of the framework. Regularly collect data on resource utilization, land use changes, and socio-economic indicators. Conduct regular evaluations of the framework's implementation. Use feedback from stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and adapt the framework as needed to ensure its long-term effectiveness. Regularly share monitoring data and evaluation results with all stakeholders to ensure transparency and accountability, and foster trust in the implementation process.

Building Resilience and Sustainability

Factor in the potential impacts of climate change on resource availability and land use patterns. Develop strategies to build resilience and adapt the framework to changing circumstances. Encourage knowledge exchange and collaboration among communities, researchers, and practitioners. This fosters continuous learning and innovation in sustainable resource and land use practices. Remember that implementing a new framework is a long-term commitment. Sustain ongoing efforts, cultivate partnerships, and adapt to challenges to ensure the framework's lasting impact on your atoll's future.


Stay informed about our efforts on Deploy and rollout implementation of new resource and land use framework through these progress reports. These updates provide detailed information on the actions and engagements related to developing and implementing development plans, projects and programs.

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