Noonu Naturally > Roadmaps > projects > Reimagine Noonu Binaaveshi (PC-003)

Community Needs Assessment

Understanding the People: This phase involves a thorough assessment of the needs and aspirations of the Noonu Atoll community. This includes identifying priorities for housing, infrastructure, economic development, and social well-being. Data Collection: Gathering data on demographics, living conditions, and access to essential services is crucial for understanding the community's current situation.





Designing survey questionnaires, activities, and events

Designing survey questionnaires, activities, and events to gather relevant information from the community.

Conducting Surveys and Focus Group Discussions

Identifying and training surveyors, conducting surveys across different islands, and organizing focus group discussions to engage a wide range of community members.

Documenting Historic Land Use Patterns and Indigenous Knowledge

Interviewing senior citizens and long-term residents, collecting historical documents and maps, and recording oral histories and traditional practices to understand the atoll's past and its influence on current land use.

Compiling a Report on Community Needs and Customary Practices

Analyzing survey and discussion data, summarizing key findings, and preparing a comprehensive report outlining the community's needs, aspirations, and customary practices.

Polls & Discussions

Community Needs Assessment
Understanding the People: This phase involves a thorough assessment of the needs and aspirations of the Noonu Atoll community. This includes identifying priorities for housing, infrastructure, economic development, and social well-being. Data Collection: Gathering data on demographics, living conditions, and access to essential services is crucial for understanding the community's current situation.
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