Noonu Naturally > Roadmaps > projects > Reimagine Noonu Binaaveshi (PC-003)

Development of Continuous Operating Geospatial Data Reference Systems

Geospatial Data Acquisition and Infrastructure Development refers to the process of establishing the necessary equipment and systems to collect and manage geographic data. This involves setting up base stations for precise positioning, acquiring mobile devices for field data collection, and providing the necessary training for personnel to effectively utilize these tools. The goal is to create a robust infrastructure that supports accurate and efficient data collection for informed decision-making in land use planning and management.





Base Station Establishment

Installing a CORS (Continuous Operating Reference Station) antenna to provide precise positioning data for geodetic surveys and other geospatial applications.

Rover Acquisition

Purchasing a rover system equipped with handheld GPS and mobile antenna to enable field data collection

System Familiarization Training

Conducting comprehensive training to equip the team with the skills to effectively utilize the geospatial system and equipment.

GIS Introductory and Workflow Training

Offering training on GIS fundamentals and workflows to enhance the team's ability to manage and analyze geospatial data.

Ground Truthing Activity for Atoll-wide Geospatial Data Verification

The ground truthing activity will verify the accuracy of geospatial data acquired for the project, ensuring that on-site conditions correspond to digital data for informed decision-making in various stages of the project. This activity will cover multiple islands within the atoll, focusing on validating land use, infrastructure, and environmental features essential for developing the Atoll Land Use Plan and Interactive WebGIS Data Portal.

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Development of Continuous Operating Geospatial Data Reference Systems
Geospatial Data Acquisition and Infrastructure Development refers to the process of establishing the necessary equipment and systems to collect and manage geographic data. This involves setting up base stations for precise positioning, acquiring mobile devices for field data collection, and providing the necessary training for personnel to effectively utilize these tools. The goal is to create a robust infrastructure that supports accurate and efficient data collection for informed decision-making in land use planning and management.
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