Noonu Naturally > Roadmaps > projects > Support Local (PC-008)

Enhance Access to Finance and Business Development Support

The Enhance Access to Finance and Business Development Support initiative aims to address the financial challenges faced by SMEs and entrepreneurs in Noonu Atoll. By establishing a dedicated support, technical services and providing training and mentorship, the initiative will improve access to capital and enhance the business skills of local entrepreneurs. The initiative will also leverage the Atolls focus on economic sustainability and regional collaboration to create a supportive environment for SMEs to grow and thrive. Ultimately, this initiative will contribute to the overall economic development of Noonu Atoll and strengthen its resilience in the face of economic challenges.





Establish the Noonu Atoll SME Financing Services

Technical services offering support and access to low-interest loans, grants, and startup financing for local businesses will be created, supporting the Atoll’s broader economic objectives. Partnerships will be formed with banks and microfinance institutions to expand the funding options available to local SMEs.

Train SMEs in Financial Literacy and Business Planning

Workshops on financial management, business planning, and proposal writing will be conducted in the co-working space, with the goal of improving access to funding and helping SMEs thrive within the Atoll ecosystem. Consultancy services will be offered to assist SMEs in scaling and growing their businesses.

Leverage the Marketplace and Co-Working Space for Financing Opportunities

The marketplace and co-working space will be used to connect entrepreneurs with potential investors, microfinance options, and business mentors, all aligned with the Project’s goal of fostering regional economic growth.

Polls & Discussions

Enhance Access to Finance and Business Development Support
The Enhance Access to Finance and Business Development Support initiative aims to address the financial challenges faced by SMEs and entrepreneurs in Noonu Atoll. By establishing a dedicated support, technical services and providing training and mentorship, the initiative will improve access to capital and enhance the business skills of local entrepreneurs. The initiative will also leverage the Atolls focus on economic sustainability and regional collaboration to create a supportive environment for SMEs to grow and thrive. Ultimately, this initiative will contribute to the overall economic development of Noonu Atoll and strengthen its resilience in the face of economic challenges.
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