39th Noonu Atoll Council Sitting2025-01-14Supported39.2 Appointment of Managing Director for Noonu Atoll Company39.1 Approval of Budget for 2025
38th Noonu Atoll Council Sitting2024-09-30Introduced38.4 Kudafari Council Proposal for Post-LUP Development Planning Consultancy AssistanceSupported38.4 Kudafari Council Proposal for Post-LUP Development Planning Consultancy Assistance38.3 Call for the Repeal of the Land-Use Planning and Management Act and Urban Planning Bill: A Threat to Decentralization38.2 Strong Cities Network Membership38.1 Validating Partnership with National Drug Agency on Drug Rehabilitation and Reintegration Programs
37th Noonu Atoll Council Sitting2024-08-29Introduced37.6 Proposed Revision to the Development Plan: Creating Atoll Marketplace and Community-Driven Harbor ExchangesSupported37.7 Approval of Preliminary Budget and Action Plan for 202537.6 Proposed Revision to the Development Plan: Creating Atoll Marketplace and Community-Driven Harbor Exchanges37.5 Authorization to Call for Expressions of Interest for External Resource Management37.4 Implementation of Microsoft office Independent Tenancy for Atoll Council37.3 Citizen Centric Governance (PC-002) Business Proposal37.2 Proposed Implementation of WCACA Project Partner Agreement with Land Sea Maldives37.1 Reimagine Noonu Binaaveshi (PC-003) Project Proposal
35th Noonu Atoll Council Sitting2024-05-08Supported35.2. Amendment to the policy framework for delegating the executive authority over the Atoll Development Plan to Noonu Atoll Company and providing capital investment funds35.1. Providing capital to Noonu Atoll Company
33rd Noonu Atoll Council Sitting 2024-01-15Supported33.2 Budget and Policy to Ensure Compliance with Overtime Pay Requirements33.1 Approval of Budget for 2024
32nd Noonu Atoll Council Sitting 2023-12-31Supported32.3 MICE Tourism Development and Investment in Noonu Atoll32.2 Amendment for Evaluation Process and Criteria for Investment Proposals and Capital Injection of Council-Owned Businesses32.1 Strengthening Corporate Governance for the Noonu Atoll Company
29th Noonu Atoll Council Sitting2023-05-29Supported29.1 Establishment of a Futsal League in Noonu Atoll